{Temples: the Sweetest Blessings}

Since I was little, in church I would sing a song about how families can be together forever. I am so grateful for the peace and joy it brings me to truly know that this is Heavenly Father's plan. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we love this doctrine. And when tragedy strikes, we live for it too. All the sorrow and injustice in life will be made right through Jesus Christ. It is because of His sacrifice for us that we can be cleansed, sanctified, and return spotless before Him, worthy to live in our Heavenly Father's presence with those we love most. The Lord has said, "Behold, this is my work and my glory; to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). Heavenly Father loves us, and He wants us to be happy. That's why His plan is for us to return to live with Him again, glorified and exalted. And the miracle of the gospel is no matter how lost and alone you feel, "it is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement." (Elder Holland) There are no lost causes. It is not too late. He can change any heart, heal any wound, and even perfect us to holiness if we believe Him. Not just believe IN Him but what His infinite power will do in our lives and hearts and in the lives and hearts of those we love. It really does work, not just on a general level, but in a deeply personal one. These things are so dear to my heart, and this is part of why temples are so sacred to me. 
(Salt Lake Temple)
In True to the Faith we read this explanation, "Temples are literally houses of the Lord. They are holy places of worship where the Lord may visit. Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness. Throughout history, the Lord has commanded his people to build temples. Today the church is heeding the Lord's call to build temples all over the world, making temple blessings more available for a great number of our Heavenly Father's children." In the temple, ordinances are performed. Ordinances are sacred ceremonies where we make promises or covenants with God, to follow Him and be obedient to the commandments. He promises to bless us and promises eternal life in return. (One example of a covenant is baptism: see Mosiah 18:8-10) Ordinances must be performed by those who hold the priesthood-the power and authority to act in God's name for the salvation of mankind. One of the sweetest and most precious parts of the gospel to me is that EVERYONE will have opportunity to accept and follow the Savior in this life or the next. We go to the House of the Lord to receive those ordinances ourselves and then act as proxy for our ancestors who did not have that opportunity in this life. That is what is meant of by that prophecy about the hearts of the children turning to their fathers. (See Malachi 4:5-6) They can choose whether or not to accept that ordinance, and progress accordingly. The Savior Jesus Christ brings salvation to both the living and the dead. (See 1 Peter 4:6) Those who didn't hear these truths can! It is not too late for those who have died without the gospel.
One of the crowning ordinances of the temple is eternal marriage. Husbands and wives can be married for time-this life-and eternity, so that even death will not separate them if they are faithful to the covenants, or promises, that they make. Children borne to them will also reap the blessings of an eternal family. Even when death separates them, they have the Lord's promise they will be together again, forever. This doctrine was especially comforting to me when my little brother, who is special needs, has been near death. I love him so much, and the prospect of losing him broke my heart, but I also knew that our family would be alright. We would see him again. Another time this blessed me was around the time of my great grandma's funeral and since. I love and miss her, but I know we will still have that relationship in the next life also. 
All of these things witness over and over to me of Heavenly Father's deep and abiding love for each of His children, which include all of us. I am a child of God and so are you. He made this perfect plan, sacrificed His Son, Jesus Christ, and gives us all guidance and blessings we need to return to Him again. That is beautiful. I am so grateful to know I can be with my family forever. I am so grateful for a Savior that helps me, those I love, and all who have lived and will yet live receive these blessings and great joy. I testify these things are true, and I do so in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

{CTR Always, ETTE}

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