About Me

My name is Natalie.

I know God is there. I know He's blessed me so much. I want to share the things that have brought me such happiness and peace in my life. Why? Because I know they will bring peace and happiness to your life also. And that's because the gospel is true and it works. 

Here are a few facts about myself:

1. I am from a family with seven kids; I'm the middle child.
2. I am 22 years old. I got my associates degree while I was roommates with my sister. I got married in November and moved up near Canada where it's pretty cold!
4. I voluntarily left my family for a year and a half to serve a mission-teach about Jesus Christ and His gospel-to the people of the Lubbock Texas mission. If you want to learn more about my beliefs or chat with missionaries follow this link: https://www.mormon.org/  
5. I love the mountains and enjoy hiking, camping, and hammocking.
6. I love ice cream! I can usually tell people the best places in town to buy some;)
7. I wish I was a better skier than I am. I am not very good at zig-zagging down the slope, so eventually I just go straight down and literally pray I won't die (hence the reason I don't go often) ;)
8. I love reading books, especially inspirational or religious ones, or cheesy romance novels.
9. I broke my back playing crack the egg (a game on the trampoline) with my then boyfriend, now husband. (don't worry, everything healed up just fine)
10. I enjoy cooking.
My family:)

I know that there will be more lows in my life. I know that there will be more highs. No matter what opposition comes, I know everything happens for a reason, and by that I mean with God there is no meaningless suffering. If we turn to Him, He changes tragedies into treasures, dark depression into peaceful contentment, utter loss into incomprehensible joy.

This blog is my thoughts about life and the gospel. Hopefully they will make sense to others and help each person who reads a post know the Heavenly knows them. He knows you, He loves you, and He cares about you. I am grateful for Heavenly Father's love for me. I know He's helped me to begin the process of conversion-true changing of our heart, mind, and will to be in line with His will. He's forgiven and strengthened me. I will take every opportunity to testify of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They are real. They have a plan!

I hope these posts are uplifting to you.

{CTR Always, ETTE}
ETTE=endure to the end:)

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